
LearningXchange was also created during Mainland's EETT grants in 2003-2005. LearningXchange was a classroom management system that supported teacher inputed assignments. It was not affliated with any textbook or publishing company for content uploads. Developed in conjuction with AlgebraLAB and the XML-upgrade for PhysicsLAB, student completion of assignments from either of these two content-based websites was tracked for not only whether the assignment was finished but it also storeds the complete history of all student responses to every question.

Each class' assignments were displaged on public daily agenda pages (by order of their due date), in a calendar (with icons), on a comprehensive syllabus (sorted by assignment type), and a search page based on an assignment's title. If the assignment was from AlgebraLAB or PhysicsLAB, students could be restricted from making submissions after a specified due date and time. Class resources could be linked and were then displayed on the sidebar for easy access.

Teachers had a recordbook of student completions and could also download a comprehensive EXCEL sheet of all student results (submissions) by date or by assignment. Teachers could make assignments by course (multiple classes) or by individual class. Assignments could be grouped into units of instruction which could then be re-assigned to other course-section (for example, the next school year) or to another teacher covering the same curriculum. When making assignments teachers could link (Florida) standards to any assignment and print a lesson plan.

LearningXchange was an exceptional model of linking school classrooms to home. It is no longer in operation.

Copyright © 2003-2025
Jeremy R. Blawn
   Application Programmer

Catharine H. Colwell
   Project Manager

All rights reserved.

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