Curriculum Guide

When PhysicsLAB was first created, it quickly became apparent that other students, teachers, schools, and parents were also using the materials; so it became necessary to create a logical organization and a search method for the curricular materials. Curriculum Guide is the resulting website in which I organized the materials on PhysicsLAB by Content Areas and in Units of Instruction.

Since many other websites still have their links to this listing, I have redirected each specific page to its new address on so that people can reach their desired content without having to edit their links.

The logo for Curriculum Guide was designed by Paolo Rivera as a graduation present to me when he was in my Advanced Placement courses at Mainland. While attending the Rhode Island School of Design he told me repeatedly how lucky he was to understand physics so that his work would be more realistic. I cherish his design and present it proudly on the website.

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Catharine H. Colwell
All rights reserved.

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